Weight Loss

If you have tried dieting, along with all forms of exercises, hired trainers, doctors, nutritionists but still can’t lose weight. The reason might be you are ignorant about the therapy that hold the key to overcoming you weakness i.e is HYPNOTHERAPY.

Previous studies found that people who used hypnosis lost more than twice as much weight as those who dieted without the therapy. A study in International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis found women who underwent hypnobehavioral therapy lost weight, improved their eating habits, and improved their body image.

Clinical Hypnotherapy can give best results for emotional and unconscious eaters. Generally people know what to eat, when to eat, how to exercise but still they lack the willpower to follow these suggestions. This is where hypnotherapy works as it helps you to have more willpower. The goal of hypnotherapy is to rewrite the wrong association of food with different moods and mental states and re-integrate the idea that food is fuel. This speeds up the progress towards weight loss goals.


We discuss with the patient about his/her goals, what their triggers are, what food plans do and don’t work for them, and what their body type is. The suggestions are customized as per the initial conversation and hypnotherapy sessions for weight loss are planned.

Using Hypnosis for weight loss, it is not only the food element but we go to much deeper level to understand and eradicate the psychological root cause of the weight gain. After starting the therapy we learn about the main reasons regarding emotional eating of client. We uncover all deep rooted reasons for the client’s attitude toward eating and food and treat them accordingly. We use unique technique for each client to get to the root cause of situation.

To book a Free 30 min Hypnotherapy Consultation for Weight Loss Please Call +918699124241 or email: sangeetasharma001@gmail.com

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